Friday, December 2, 2011

How do I defeat gladiator beast Heraklinos?

Every time I activate a card, my opponent negates and destroys it by discarding a card from his card. It would take forever for me to get him to throw out all his cards. Is there a way to defeat Heraklinos?|||Yeah, it's called effect monsters. Heraklinos can't negate monster effects so that's it's weakness.

Also, counter trap cards cannot be countered by Heraklinos because they are spell speed 3 and Hera is only speed 2.

The best monsters to take down Heraklinos with are:

* Snipe Hunter

* Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

* Gravekeeper's Guard

* Penguin Soldier

* Raiza the Storm Monarch

* Caius the Shadow Monarch

* Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

* Gale Lizard

* Wall of Illusion

* Man-Eater Bug

* Old Vindictive Magician

The best traps to take out Heraklinos are:

* Divine Wrath

Seriously, if you don't know how to take down something as simple as Heraklinos, you don't deserve to be playing this game. The card practically has "kill me with monster effects" written all over it.|||Gladiator Beast Heraklinos is by far one of the best GB that cripples your opponent's deck. The Gyzarus-Heraklinos combo would really finish off any deck (if they recover from it, then what luck!). I know that a Heraklinos rising from this combo would pretty much end the game (really). Oh yeah, don't forget the all-powerful Chariot-Heraklinos with Equeste coming out (another crazy lockdown). I'm naming all this so that you can find a way to loop around it.

Monster Effects are the answer (already mentioned it before but the "crazy lockdown" would screw these effects over).

Cards: Metagame deck key cards!

Ex. Dark Armed Dragon, Judgment Dragon, etc.

Also, negate it's summoning by using Solemn Judgment. Another solution is making the opponent top-deck in order to let him choose to play that card or to just wait and use Heraklinos' effect. So, make him/her use/discard his/her cards because I don't think GB decks have some kind of drawing engine.

Anyways, good luck man.|||first of all get the card exchange . i'm going to tell you what the card does later. So ok in order to summon gladiator beast herakilnos your opponent needs gladiator beast laquari so this is what you do. so use exchange . this is what it does. summon it and your and your opponent show your hands. then you pick a card from your opponents hand and your opponent picks a card from your hand . so put exchange in face down mode . then when your opponent has the monster use exchange .

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