Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How violent is the movie Gladiator?

Hi! I'm taking an independent class at school where I'm studying several elements of film. Right now I'm studying character development. When I googled this subject, the movie "Gladiator" came up as a good film to watch for this. I'm fine with watching violent movies, but I was wondering how violent the movie is. I have to watch it on a computer in the library with headphones. Is the film too violent to watch at school? Thanks and God bless!|||Watching it at school is a big no. At home it's ok. It's pretty violent but has a good moral to it.|||It's got some brutal scenes in it. Some of the battle scenes are bearable to watch, but if you're squeamish about blood then it's probably not something I would recommend to you. However, in saying that, it is one of the best best films I have seen and it's a classic. The movie is not just about violence. It is an emotional film with great characters and the story is great. There are many deep things that happen in the movie. So I would still watch it, because the greatness of the story as a whole overshadows the violence.|||I recall one scene where a gladiator had spears protruding from her chariot's two wheels. One gladiator fell, was attempting to sit up (to try standing up) and the chariot drove by and sliced off his head or something incredibly bloody occurred. It was a violent movie, but you could tell it was produced and edited very professionally with a slick approach to segueing between scenes...(a spiraling view of the sky),|||The worst violence is some blood splattering during the gladiatorial combat. There are quite a lot of fight scenes in the movie.

I watched it at school in my Latin class after our finals. My school didn't have a problem with it as long as people got parental permission.|||its very voilent. lol. go to IMDB and look at "parental guide" and it will say what it has. 4 categorys. voilence, sexual, language, and frighting (for younger kids)|||compared with koran and bible it very mild

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