Thursday, November 24, 2011

At the risk of being like a Republican and enjoying political gladiator sport over the welfare of my county,?

Would it be more fun to see Obama send Sarah Palin back to Nome for good, to watch Bachmann be torn apart by Obama in a televised debate or to watch Obama thrash Perry?

I know we should be more focused on what is good for the country rather than gladiator sport but this would provide some comic relief.|||For what it is worth, Obama had pretty much a free-ride in the 2008 debates. No tough follow-up to his unanswered or semi-answered remarks. No real questions about his lack of experience. Expect this same approach to 2012 debates. Granted, Obama did not have a record in 2008 on which he had to support. But I would not expect the press to make much of an issue -- if any -- of his record as President.

To the clown who continues to ID my posts as violations of community guidelines. Grow up already. You have to expect that there will be those who disagree with your opinions. Such does not mean that the posting is a violation of the guidelines. To censor those with whom you disagree with is beyond petty.|||Both Palin and Bachmann act more as cheerleaders for Conservative causes, much of that because they aren't deep thinkers on the issues nor try to understand the layers below the emotional surface, any understanding of which comes from talking points. Then again, neither does Obama from his perspective on things but his oratory would give either of them a run for their money. Not so, with Perry. Perry would shut Obama down, especially with his record of economic success of implementation of these policies in Texas.

If you want a thrashing, let Obama go up against Gingrich in a debate. Newt would mop the floor with him.|||You need to understand that the debates do not allow teleprompters and prepared speech's, he (obama) would have to think on his feet and would not have much if any advantage. Now if the debates were not rigged to give obama cute easy little questions so he can give fluff answers and talking points it might be a real debate.|||It would be interesting to watch the debates. I would advise everybody to take time to study up facts, history, statistics and the Constitution because EVERYBODY will be watching for mistakes on both sides of the isle. Especially Sarah Palin! maybe that is what she is doing :)|||If gladiator sport is what is needed to claw this country back from the brink, then so be it. (And yes, I do realize you asked in humour....)|||obama couldn't thrash anyone. he might sa well be a mute without his teleprompter.

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